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PROJECT Creation of a collaboration product
The Mindshare FTA is intended to facilitate the way individuals at Mindshare North America (and potentially, in future releases, at sister agencies globally) work independently and collaboratively in a manner that is consistent with and leverages Mindshare’s Framework for Thinking.
Below are wireframes and prototype screens.
Main campaign screen.
View all of a supervisor's campaigns and next steps.
Include a standard content management feature (e.g. author, check-in/out, submit for review, edit, approve, etc.).
The ability for supervisors to set up a new campaign from beginning of Target Definition Phase.
Collect / attach / upload deliverables within the context of the related phases, stages & steps along the workflow path.
Dashboards which show what steps have been accomplished along the way.
MINDSHARE Framework for Thinking Application
Three Prototype versions built on the same structure
Version 1 - Transit Theme
Version 2 - 3D Theme
Version 3 - Roman Theme
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